Group 1: 5- 6 years old
Topic: Colorful balloons
Teacher: ………………….
Materials, aids, tools:
- Flashcards (colorful balloons: red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange, blue, rainbow, black) or we can use balloons,
- Songs: “Hello song”, “Bye – bye song”, “Colorful balloons”, CD
- Colorful papers,
- Reader “Color with me”
- Worksheets
- Crayons
Time: 30 minutes
- to recognize sight words for colors
- saying colors
- „What color is it?”
Target vocabulary:
- red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange, blue, black, balloon,
Warm up
- Welcome students
- Sing “Hello song”
- Do a fun review activity from the previous lesson – ‘Cube Game’.
New material
- Teach the colors vocabulary.
- Play „Color Stand Up and Jump”.
- Play „Touch the Balloon” .
- Sing “Colorful balloons song”.
- Read classroom reader „Color with me” .
- Do a colors worksheet .
Conclusion / assignment
- Say goodbye to students.
- Sing “Goodbye song”
Lesson Procedure
- Play „Color Stand Up and Jump”.
Give out all of the colored papers, 1 color per student. Tell your students to sit down. Say a color (e.g. „red”) and the students holding that color have to quickly stand up, jump and then sit down. Start off slowly and get faster and faster.
- Play „Touch the Balloon”
Stick up on the walls colorful balloons, this is a great activity to do. Demonstrate by shouting out a color (e.g. „Red”). Run to a poster and touch anywhere that has a red color. Do the same for another color (e.g. „Blue”). Each time run to a new poster. Now have the students do the activity – shout out a color and have them all run around the classroom touching the colors on posters.
- “Colorful balloons song”
“Colorful balloons”
Look at all beautiful balloons! Let’s sing! Red, red, red balloon Yellow, yellow, yellow balloon Pink, pink, pink balloon Bye, bye pink balloon Green, green, green balloon Purple, purple, purple balloon Orange, orange, orange Bye, bye orange balloon Blue, blue, blue balloon Brown, brown, brown balloon Black, black, black balloon Bye, bye black balloon Say bye, bye to all beautiful balloons! |
There are a number of activities you can do as you sing along to the song:
When children listen the song, teacher show them the balloons. Give each student a print out of the Balloon Song poster. As they sing along they touch each color or picture.
4. “Color with me”
“Color with me”
Yellow, blue, black, and green,
Brown, red, and pink.
Which of these colors
Would be just right?
To color the sun?
Yellow, blue, black, and green,
Brown, red, and pink.
Which of these colors
Would be just right?
To color the heart?
Yellow, blue, black, and green,
Brown, red, and pink.
Which of these colors
Would be just right?
To color the sky?
Yellow, blue, black, and green,
Brown, red, and pink.
Which of these colors
Would be just right?
To color the grass?
5. Do „Colors of the Balloons” worksheet .
To finish off this section of the lesson, give out the worksheets. As your students are doing the worksheets, ask questions (e.g. “Take red crayons and color the first balloon.” etc.).
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